
Intellectual Property & Business Litigation

Hoon-hee Hong Attorney at Law

Attorney at Law

  • 主要業務分野/ケース

    - Finance (Acquisition Financing, IPO, Securitization, Establishment of an Asset Management Company, Project Finance)
    - M&A
    - Bankruptcy & Reorganization (Workout, Spin-Off)
    - Disputes related to Finance
  • 学歴及び経歴

    - Seoul National University, College of Law (LL.B.)
    - Northwestern University (LL.M.)
    - Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea
    - Judge, Cheongju District Court
    - Partner, Shin & Kim (Finance Team)
    - Partner, Evergreen Law Group
    - Partner, Aju (currently DaeRyook & Aju)
    - Partner, DaeRyook & Aju
    - Partner, NewAju

